A life in pictures

Franz Halberg's motto, "Measure what is measurable and render measurable in time what as yet is not" (Omnia metire quxcumque licet et immensa ad mensuram tempestive redige), has also been attributed to Galileo according to Giovanni dell' Acqua, the late professor of medicine at Catholic University in Rome.

Dr Franz Halberg counting eosinophil

<--- Pietro Cuigini

Former Professor of Internal Medicine at the "Sapienza" University Rome, Italy.

Read How I met Prof. Franz Halberg, the Father of Chronobiology

in 1979. A brief story of the encounter that changed my scientific life.

Dr Halberg and dell'Acqua

Dr. Frederic C. Bartter suggested writing about a patient whose BP was diagnosed differently by two physicians who saw him at different times of day.

Dr. Howard Levine, the late head of medical education at the New Britain (Connecticut) General Hospital, and professor of medicine at the University of Connecticut, implemented self-measurements of blood pressure, heart rate and other performance variables, including grip strength, around the clock from the time of a chronobiologic diagnosis of MESOR-hypertension until the end of life from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, his weakness notwithstanding.

Farewell Erna dearest

Thou motherly presence for us chronobiologists,

Thou untiring and unrelenting driving spirit of the Chronobiology Laboratories of Minneapolis,

Thou deep-knowledged of the experimental problems

and indispensible bestower of invaluable


Thou unparalleled in the handling of your tiny four-

legged friends,

Thou unique moderator of disagreements inside and

outside of the laboratory,

Thou always present, always active...

above all a gentle friend and confident

we will miss you but

shall always cherish you in our hearts

just as we have done all these years.

Farewell dearest Erna, farewell


Dr Halberg in his office in Lion Labs, Minneapolis, MN

Dr Franz Halberg, Dr Otild Schwartzkopff

Larry Beaty wearing an ABPM

Soledad Penalta sculpted these two busts

of Dr Halberg.

Meet the artist